Community Clean Up

& Volunteer Block Party

Join the Greater Michigan Chapter National Black MBA Association (GMCNBMBAA) for a Community Cleanup and Volunteer Block Party on April 20th, 2024. This is a safe, clean, community-fun opportunity for you to help beautify a neighborhood. This year they have spread the event out to make it more accessible to all neighbors by focusing cleanup efforts in multiple Grand Rapids neighborhoods. 

The Citywide Community Clean-Up Initiative starts with registration at 8:30 AM and then the cleanup from 9:30 AM to 11:45 AM, followed by a volunteer block party at John Ball Zoo from noon until 3:00 PM. The organizers will supply trash bags and gloves for the cleanup. Each volunteer will receive a wristband, a free meal ticket at the Block Party, and a free raffle ticket. 

The area GMC-NBMBAA will focus on cleaning is District 15: Boston Square @ BSNA – 1551 Kalamazoo Ave. SE.  

Members should choose District 15and register as a Business/Organization: GMCNBMBAA. 

The organization’s name is GMC-NBMBAA. Members are directed to register to volunteer on the website: ttps://



